Wolf Dynamics - Multiphysics simulations, optimization, and data analytics

OpenFOAM 11 in a Linux virtual machine


If you are new to Linux and OpenFOAM, and if you do not want to go thru the hustle and bustle of partitioning your hard drive, backing-up your data, and installing Linux and OpenFOAM, we highly recommend you use this Linux virtual machine based on OpenSUSE 15.4.

You can install this Linux virtual machine under Windows, MacOS, and Linux (yes, you can install a Linux virtual machine in Linux). To do so, we highly recommend using VMWare Workstation player (for Windows or Linux), or VMware Fusion (for MacOS). Both versions are free for non-commercial personal use.

This virtual machine comes with OpenFOAM 10, OpenFOAM 11 and OpenFOAM v2312 pre-installed, plus a few additional applications for visualization, optimization, and data analysis.  It also comes with all the compilers and libraries necessary to compile most of the applications.



Note. The default hardware settings of the virtual machine are: 1000 GB storage (dynamically allocated), 16 GB RAM, 4 cores, and 8 GB. video memory. You can change these settings at any time. You will need to extract the compressed virtual machine in the directory of your choice.


User information:

User:            cfd
Password:    cfd1234

User:            root
Password:    cfd1234


To load OpenFOAM, type in the terminal:
    of10, of11 or of2312

To load Python anaconda, type in the terminal:

To load the standalone version of paraview, type in the terminal:
    First type paraview_source and then type paraview511

Type alias in the terminal window to know all the predefined aliases, or open the .bashrc file using your favorite text editor.


You can find the OpenFOAM training material, validation cases, and additional tutorials at this link:



At this link, you can find a Youtube playlist with general instructions on how to create and configure a virtual machine using VMware. The instructions to compile OpenFOAM are old but still valid even with never version.


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