Wolf Dynamics - Multiphysics simulations, optimization, and data analytics

Advanced Multiphase Course



A multiphase flow is a fluid flow consisting of more than one phase component and have some level of phase separation above molecular level. They exist in many different forms (gas-liquid mixture, gas-solid mixture, liquid-solid mixture and so on), and are widespread in nature and industrial applications. Understanding the different multiphase approaches and their limitations, is of paramount importance for conducting successful simulations and tackling complex industrial problems.

During this course, we address the theoretical background of multiphase flows, we cover the different multiphase modeling approaches available in OpenFOAM, and we work with several tutorials and validation cases addressing different physics.


Topics to be covered:

Introduction to multiphase flows - Dispersed and separated flows

Multiphase models - Theoretical background

Multiphase models in OpenFOAM

VOF solvers in OpenFOAM

Euler-Euler solvers in OpenFOAM

Lagrangian solvers in OpenFOAM

Solution techniques for multiphase flows

Choosing the right numerics

Advanced post-processing (quantitative and qualitative)

Best practices

Validation cases


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Get access to the slides and tutorials at the following link: https://bit.ly/3RY1Zpc




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